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Vita Lotus Approach

Vita Lotus Retreats is committed to helping people find balance and well-being through transformative wellness experiences. We believe in a holistic approach to healing, uniting the spiritual and scientific aspects of our lives.


Our retreats are designed to provide a space for self-exploration, inner growth, and a connection to nature. Our all-inclusive retreats include yoga, Buddhism, meditation, and other healing modalities that are tailored to each individual’s needs. We invite you to join us and explore the possibilities of self-transformation and renewal.

- Vita Experience -

Variety of Retreats:
All Levels of Awareness

We understand the power of connection, community and renewal. Our retreats are designed to offer a safe, nurturing environment where people can come together to explore, enjoy, and celebrate.


We believe in the power of self-care and that each person is on their own trajectory of healing and growth, with different desires and needs. We strive to ensure our retreats offer something for everyone, and do our best to design and host them to accommodate the many flavors we are as a community. 

Preperation, Navigation and Integration Support 

Our core principals are: hands-on-support, building relationships and integration.  When you register for a Vita Lotus Retreat, we begin the process of preparing you for your retreat.


While at your retreat we provide tools and exercises to enhance exploration. You go home with integration tools to navigate your new perceptions with your new-found reality.


You will also have the ability to share with new friends in our online Vita Lotus Community. (My Life Enlightened)

International Network of Guides and Locations

With decades of connections and exploring many terrains and environments, this has put Vita Lotus in a unique position to offer retreats with lush forestry, to crystal blue beaches, to desert landscapes, architectural design and the list goes on...


Vast relationships have allowed us to establish retreats with incredible co-hosts to heighten the experience you will have, giving you the opportunity to not only heal and grow, but also refresh and restore your energetic spirit. 

...Your Best Self is Inside You...

A journey of a thousand miles begins with...

a single Vita Lotus Retreat. 

Sunset Beach Serenity

Release Your Mind

Wellness tourism is becoming more popular as individuals see the benefits of being able to travel abroad and adopt new, healthy practices and habits.


People who go on traditional vacations often return home more stressed and even, unhealthier than when they left. We all need to download a dose of inner-peace and restoration. 


Vita Lotus Retreats give individuals the chance to recharge their batteries and adopt healthier living practices in a supportive environment.  This lends the opportunity for the mind to quiet the chatter and begin to reflect on what is most valuable and appreciated in our lives.


This process opens the corridors to release your negative throughts and engage in reconnecting what you had lost...  your connection to your self.


When we release the mind, we are ready to release old behaviors and patterns which do not serve and in-such begin to release our pain. 

Eyes Closed Spirit Open

Monitor Ego

We all have moments where our ego takes presedence over our experiences, yet the key is to self-monitor the ego and, it's weight of discrimination and judgment.  We, at Vita Lotus do our best to avoid spiritually bypassing ourselves.


Because each of us lives a path of Spirit, rather than practicing a path, this allows us to meet you in an authentic space, creating a judgment-free-zone.


Crash course on ego: the ego is just an idea: it has no substance in it. It is not something – it is just pure nothing. You give it reality by believing in it. You can withdraw belief and the reality disappears, evaporates. The ego is the blankets of soul experiences, ideas we create to have soulful experiences. 


At Vita Lotus we coin a term: the soul-ego trap. We monitor our ego, so as to monitor yours. We assist you in recognition of your ego games to help you establish a relationship between your soul/ego and spirit to help you master your life to thrive!

Flight of Innocence

Inner-Heart Intelligence

Heart intelligence is the flow of awareness, understanding and intuition we experience when the mind and emotions are brought into coherent alignment with the heart.


"Heart intelligence underlies cellular organization - guides and evolves organisms toward increased order, awareness and coherence of their bodies’ systems."


Researchers began showing in the 1980s and ’90s that overall success in life depended more on an individual’s ability to effectively manage emotions than on the intellectual ability of the brain in the head - coined as Emotional Intelligence.


We at Vita Lotus recognize the heart sends us emotional and intutive signals to help govern our lives - a complex independant nervous system known as 'the brain in the heart. Creating a setting of heart IS the core set of Vita Lotus; a heart-based setting allows for an atmosphere where you are sure to be supported and cared for. â€‹â€‹

Calm Morning Sunrise

Set and Setting

We at Vita Lotus, feel the set and setting is imperative to optimize the journey of the retreat experiencer.


Set refers to: "where you are in your life, what beliefs you may have, how you think and essentially the internal make-up of yourself."


We pay close attention to who you are and what you need prior, during and after your retreat experience. Answering our questionaires honestly and being sincere with your intentions during the interview process helps us to be more efficient in what we offer you. 


Setting refers to:  "external factors: who you are with, where you are and the environment you find yourself in."


Much effort is allocated to the design of each retreat to assure a unique, explorative and adventurous memorable experience.  

Tree Hypnosis

Listen to Spirit

Listening to spirit, goes with transcending the ego; we at Vita Lotus do our best to guide you on your journey to ego dissolution. 


It is important to apply patience to your journey. Enlightened awareness does not happen over-night, and especially, nor does the disolve of ego as it slowly comes to recognize it's non-existence.


Crash course of spirit: spirit is an energy, your energy; the essence of who you are without the ego identity. It does not project, nor desire... it only experiences itself through an ego experience.


We listen to your Spirit, not the ego games. This enhances our ability to mirror patience, kindness and acceptance, while acknolwedging your vibrational experience. 


In this way, it allows us to match your vibirational experience, to guarantee a wellness retreat that serves your spirit and it's needs, not that of ours! 

Freedom Stretch

Always Have Fun!

The pathway into self-discovery, healing, releasing old beliefs and patterns, mindful awareness, exapanding your consciousness; including balancing a healthy mental, emotional, physcial practice of wellness: can be a grueling experience. ​Yet - you do not need to suffer to heal pain, nor do you need to suffer to experience profound change and evolutionary growth.  


Being light-hearted, embracing laughter and enjoying the adventure involved in our individual discoveries is key, to releasing what no-longer serves. In-fact, it is what allows for new pathways to form and new perspectives to be seen.


Taking life too seriously IS what holds us back from attaining enlightened wisdom. It is human nature to be trauma-bonded to life experiences,  we begin to break these bonds by reminding ourselves not to take ourselves so seriously. 

 We thrive at Vita Lotus in what we do, because living life is to be enjoyed, explored and thrived. 

... Escape the Ordinary...

Live life with a series of small travel adventures.​

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