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Image by Ruston Jones

- we bridge the gap between ancient and modern teachings; mushrooms are a spiritual experience, not a clinical ego experience...

We provide the setting, guidance and expertise. Nature provides the medicine to enable you to experience the liberating power of awe and wonder, and most importantly the relief you seek.


We have known of the therapeutic and life transforming potential of psilocybin mushrooms since the 1950‘s. Now we have dozens of recent studies from diverse sources that affirm the unrivaled healing and life enhancing potential of psilocybin mushroom sessions in the right setting.

Mushroom & Cacao Retreat, Mount Tremblant, Quebec

Refresh  w/Autumn Leaves 

- Making Your Decison -

When empathogens are sought out for their therapeutic or self-improvement effects, we are seeking liberation from our habituated ways of thinking and feeling that have hindered our ability to heal and evolve. 

Empathogens work their power directly on our brain by allowing novel ways of communication between different parts of the brain; this allows for new ways of feeling and thinking. The setting potentiates or furthers the experience, presenting an opportunity for us to release with ease and perceive without judgement.


It is not only the plant or empathogen that opens up an individual to a wider range of experiences, but also the direction, content and overall quality of the experiences to be focused and enhanced with guidance. 

The presence of knowledgeable guides greatly facilitates the probability of reaching expanded levels of consciousness, while also 'recalling and integrating' the experiences afterwards. 

Many people who want to have a spiritual or an entheogenic experience using an empathogen or psychedelic, do not know how to reach and stay open to their various levels of consciousness presented to them during an experience. It is invaluable to be with experienced guides to both support you and have the ability to reunite you with clarity. 

Val-David Lake

" It is not the young, rather the people in middle age who need to have an experience of numinous proportions to help negotiate the mental habits that have been cemented into their lives" 

- Carl G. Jung - 



5 p.m

Arrival to Lodge

Room Assignment

Get Cozy


5:30 to 6:30 p.m


Meet Your Facilitators

Educational History


6:30 p.m

Cacao Heart Opening

Dyad Communication 


8 p.m Dinner

Barb-Q Grilling


9 p.m to 10 p.m

Sharing Circle

Campfire w/Holistic Teas




9 a.m

Conscious Breathing

Intention Setting

Open-Mind Preparation


10 a.m to 5 p.m

Begin Session Journey

 Blind-Fold Experience

Nature Appreciation Play

{approximately 6 hours}


5 p.m to 7 p.m

Individual Time

Conscious Communication


7 p.m Dinner

Delicious Pescaterian


8 p.m to 10 p.m

Sharing Circle

Campfire w/Sound Healing



9 a.m

Conscious Breathing

Intention Setting

Open-Mind Preparation


10 a.m to 4 p.m

Begin Session Journey

Blind-Fold Experience

Nature Appreciation Play

(approximately 6 hours)


5 p.m to 6:30 p.m

Individual Time

Conscious Communication


6:30 p.m Dinner

Scrumptious Vegetarian


7:30 p.m to 11 p.m

 Star Gazing

S'mores and Campfire Stories



9 a.m 

Energy Flow

Wake-up Central Nervous System


10 a.m

Breakfast of Champions


10:30 a.m

- Integration Coaching

- Maintaining Peace 

- Maintaining Spiritual Maturity 


Embodying and Understanding

- Psychedelic Experience

- Daily Practices

- Micro-dosing


What Extra to Bring:

Backpack w/water bladder

Hiking Shoes - Hat -  Warm Jacket

Sweaters - Layers - Pants (no jeans)

 Expanding our consciousness to heal, grow and evolve requires a different sort of intelligence than how we were schooled to think and learn.


Connect with your Inner-Self

- Thrive Life, Not Just Live it -

We do indeed live in a wondrous and enchanting world, but for many of us the wonder and enchantment has faded or even, disappeared entirely. When this happens we lose our deeper connection to spirit and our sense of wholeness to life and the world. 

This can happen due to emotional and physical trauma, anxiety, depression, personal loss, a dysfunctional cultural environment, relationship changes, perpetual suffering or unrelenting stress. We also live in a world that is desensitizing and changing at a breakneck pace.

As a result of any combination of the foregoing, we lose our  connection to the deeper aspects of our being; our spirit wanes and we feel fragmented and often times, can even feel lost.

In a state of wholeness we:

  • are confident in our life path.

  • have an enhanced ability to concentrate.

  • feel exuberant about life in general.

  • experience a deep and fulfilling gratitude. 

  • have more compassion and empathy.

  • feel a profound connection to  the universe.

  • feel a deeper connection to spirit. 

  • are no longer hobbled by tragedies of our personal history or conceptual hang-ups.

Find the relief to restore your sense of wholeness, reinvigorate  life and renew your vision of yourself and the world - returning home with a long-lasting, permanent shift. We are confident in our method and approach we offer and, we look forward to being the journey with you to Reclaim Your Life. 

On top of the world.

Inner Healing Intelligence

We put you in-touch with your innate ability to heal and grow, and to empower you to be responsible for your own healing. Turbulent and often difficult emotional processes may be easier to work with and resolve when we tap-into this Intelligence.


The body possesses an extraordinary and intricate healing process, constantly striving towards restoration. This inherent ability to heal is exemplified by the ever-present healing of a cut or a bruise. Similarly, the psyche also demonstrates a profound intelligence and capacity for healing, as evidenced by the transformative power of plant medicine. 


Through these substances, the hidden depths of our psyche is unveiled, revealing a remarkable healing potential, extending beyond the physical realm.

Image by Rohit Tandon

Set and Setting

Set refers to, "where you are in your life,: what beliefs you may have, how you think and essentially the internal make-up of yourself."​ Setting refers to, "external factors: who you are with, where you are and the environment the medicines are taken in." ​


We feel the set and setting are crucial elements in optimizing the journey of the voyager and enhances their awareness to explore uncharted territories within themselves that may have otherwise been neglected.


As guides we recognize that the environment must fosters comfort, safety and openness.  By carefully cultivating the set and setting, we aim to provide a supportive space where voyagers can fully immerse themselves, allowing you to delve deeper in your subconscious.

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Transformation Support

It is encouraged to discuss openly any strong feelings, fears or concerns that may have arisen during your experience. The concepts that you encounter on a visionary voyage can be challenging to interpret, and may require skilled guidance. ​


Psychedelic guiding has three stages; preparation, experience and integration. Thoughtful attention to all three stages is needed to maximize the opportunity for a positive outcome


We collaboratively work with you to analyze the information and make sense of it, helping to connect the dots and uncover meaningful insights. Our role is to support the exploration in synthesizing your individual perspectives into a cohesive narrative, fostering a deeper understanding and integration.

Personality is a strategy devised by a child. Our true, original self lays under our personality, in the trans-personal ground of our being, at our core. 


Empathogenic experiences enabled by plant medicines such as psilocybin mushrooms have unequivocally demonstrated unrivaled efficacy in the treatment of these conditions. 


  • PTSD / Anxiety

  • Alcoholism

  • Depression

  • Eating Disorders

  • Opioid Addiction

  • Suicidal Idealization

  • Nicotine Addiction​

  • Obsessive Compulsions

  • Excessive Entropy

  • Anti-social Behavior

  • Abusive and Sexual Trauma 

  • Relationship Issues 

  • Undesirable Habits in General


Our method of guidance is based on the principle of Inner Healing Intelligence. We therefore take what is known as a non-directive approach in our guidance. Over the years psychedelic guides have discovered, that like the body, the mind possesses an innate ability to heal, yet mental-emotional conditions require an outside agent to catalyze that process.


Our non-directive setting refrains from giving advice in what is shared by the participant, with our questions designed to encourage greater depths. The goal is for the 'explorer' to discover things about themselves for themselves with a minimum amount of input from us, as your guides. 

Release Old Behaviors
  •  Obsessive Compulsions

  • Ease Anxiety

  • Anti-social Behavior

  • Abusive and Sexual Trauma 

  • Mitigate Eating Disorders

  • Relationship Issues 

  • Undesirable Habits in General

Chilling with Life and Book

Our suggestions at the right moment,

may help you make a pivotal discovery or retain and important insight.

You Want a Revolutionize Your Story!

Maia's Message to You:
"Sacred mushrooms are the most promising safe entheogens to re-enter our culture." 

Plant medicines are and can be the direct source needed to renew and restore an individual's connection to wholeness, while also inspiring their own  health of being. Empathogens can and do relax the mind chatter to enhance our ability to approach and respond to life without egoistic patterns or misguided unconscious mental states of blame, shame, guilt, embarrassment, avoidance or judgement.


As a voyager, you are not having a drug experience, but rather, learning how to become open to your own inner worlds, reunite with one's self and make use of a vast range of experiences prior, during and after your journey.


As your guides, we offer our unique complimenting skills to know the terrain, sense where you are in your journey and be able to advise or caution you where it is deemed appropriate. We serve as a steady and supportive presence; we understand our authenticity and awareness are an integral part of creating a warm and inviting set and setting and is, instrumental in having you feel safe and secure to transcend deeper heights of consciousness. 


We recognize we are doing sacred work and the importance of establishing a sincere relationship.  We honor the trust you've placed in us to ensure you do have a transcendent experience based in compassion, healing, kindness and love. 

warmth winter.jpg

For our sanity to be strong and flexible, we must be willing to allow for occasional expressions of spontaneous movement and action.

Image by Danilo Ćalić

What makes our retreat unique?

Maia has been experiencing and organizing self-guided, intimate, psychedelic exploration retreats for 12- years. She moves and operates together with you - in harmony, unity and flow states. This is your commitment and readiness to heal, not that of hers to anticipate, nor push her desire. You conduct the flow of your experience. 


Maia is inspired by deep connections and with her complimenting attributes, and practices as a hermetic initiate, holistic cognitive therapist, psychedelic facilitator and spiritual mentor, she can enhance the experience you will have.  She is a resource of knowledge and inspiration, offering you the perceptions to empower renewal, refreshment, healing, and evolutionary growth. 


With 30-years of voyages, she has been led to experience many forms of altering substances and emotional receptors, such as: Psilocybin (mushrooms), LSD, Ayahuasca, Changa, MDMA, Shamanic Rapé, DMT and the most profound of all, Salvia Divinorum. All of her experiences have been administered with intention to release, grow, learn and evolve. 

Her experience both personally and with other explorers, has concluded psychedelics loosen the grip of cultural and societal conditioning, indoctrination and several emotional and mental setbacks.


Through discovery she can attest, plant medicines/empathogens, allow for new neural imprints and behaviors to emerge. Harmoniously, this allows for the development of healthier relationships and deeper clarity into the decisions we make in life. 


She has witnessed directly the benefits of empathogens to release deeply embedded emotional addictions, religious and societal programming and has been fortunate to be testimony to the healing and release of: oppressed trauma, substance abuse and the emotional-mental states of: depression, eating disorders, tourette syndrome, post-traumatic stress and anxiety, including the deepened pain associated with cancer and war veterans.


Maia's life has been that of a scholar, with a drive for information, deeper understanding and deeper connections, while freeing the minds of humanity from bondage and suffering. 

She has humbly guided 1000's of individuals just like you, into transforming not only their lives, but assisted in altering their perspective and relationship to themselves and the world.  Allow Maia to help you with her experienced, authenticated co-hosts to unlearn, acquire, remember and develop the skill-set to be inside the life waiting for you!

Choose a retreat with guides who can navigate their own altered states, because only then, can they know how to assist navigating your own.

Mount Tremblant Retreat

Be Part of Autumn Magic 

4-Day Spirit Voyage
Mount Tremblant, Quebec
September 22 to 25,, 2023


Your Package Includes ∞ 


3- Night Accommodation

3 Scrumptious Homemade Dinners 

2 Snack Boxes for Day Outings

All Beverages 

Breakfast Smoothie Bowls

2 Psilocybin Journey's

Cacao Infusion 

Breath Work Meditations

Adventure and Educational Excursions

Post Integration Included


All Taxes Included

<airport​ transport from Dorval Airport if needed>

 $2200. CAD


Image by Alice Triquet
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