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The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness.

Whimsical Reflections of a Playful Spirit: Lighthearted Spirituality.

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

Have you ever considered taking a less serious approach to your spiritual journey, one that is brimming with joy and vibrancy?

Within the spectrum of spirituality, where contemplation and introspection reign, I find my place. It is a realm that represents the eternal pursuit of inner-peace and enlightenment, a journey I embark upon with unwavering dedication.

When envisioning a spiritually inclined individual, the image that often arises is that of a solemn and silent nature. A gentle smile graces their face, radiating wisdom and tranquility. And indeed, there are moments of reflection and silence, in-fact this is what inspires my 'solitary nature.'

However, within this vast expanse of spirituality, there exists a facet that is often overlooked — the heart of life. It is a realm characterized by laughter and liberation from the constraints of conformity. It is within this spectrum that I truly find myself.

In this sacred space, I embrace the whimsical dance of self-exploration and liberation. I understand that while moments of reflection and silence are integral to my journey, they do not define me entirely. Instead, I allow myself to embody the joyous spirit of the Laughing Buddha, embracing the lightheartedness and detachment that comes with it.

I believe fostering an environment of joy and levity enhances our connection to the divine and allows for a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.


This aspect of myself has not gone unnoticed by those I have the privilege of working with — my students. As we journey together, exploring the realms of spirituality, they have come to recognize a certain lightness in my approach. Amidst the depths of contemplation, I weave moments of laughter and playfulness into our shared experiences and experiemental practices.

My students have witnessed the transformative power of laughter, how it can dissolve barriers and open doors to new perspectives. They have come to appreciate the importance of embracing the childlike wonder within us, allowing it to guide us on our spiritual path. In their eyes, I am not only a spiritual guide but also... a companion who walks beside them, sharing in their laughter and encouraging their spirits to soar. Together, we cultivate an atmosphere where growth and introspection are harmoniously balanced with moments of joy and merriment.


As I traverse this labyrinth of human experience, I recognize my moments of reflection are intertwined with laughter and freedom.

These moments are threads woven into the tapestry of my existence, illuminating the multidimensional nature of my being. I rejoice in the harmonious blend of introspection and mirth, for it is within this balance, I discover true enlightenment and a profound connection to the heart of life, releasing me from the experience of suffering.

Lighthearted Perspectives

In our collective consciousness, spirituality is often synonymous with solemnity and seriousness. This stereotype is largely based on the portrayal of various cultures and spiritual texts. We envisage spiritual seekers as individuals who renounce worldly pleasures, meditate in solitude, and communicate in hushed whispers.

This, however, is just one aspect of spirituality. The essence of spirituality is much more ebullient and liberating than what is generally perceived.

The heart of life, the core of our existence, is not limited to stillness and silence alone. It also throbs with laughter, joy, and unrestrained expression of emotions. Laughter is a spiritual quality that transcends social boundaries, cultural differences, and linguistic barriers. It is a universal manifestation of joy and contentment.

Laughter is a healing balm for the soul, a natural remedy that can alleviate stress and promote well-being. It is a potent symbol of liberation from conformity and societal norms. When we laugh, we let go of our inhibitions and allow our authentic selves to shine through. It is a moment of pure, unadulterated joy that can elevate our spiritual experience.

Spiritual growth is not about suppressing emotions or maintaining a stoic demeanor. Rather, it involves embracing all aspects of human experience, including joy, sorrow, anger, and laughter. Spirituality encourages us to seek balance and harmony, to accept and acknowledge all emotions without judgment.

In a world that often pressures us to conform, to fit into predefined roles and expectations, laughter provides a much-needed escape. It breaks down barriers, dispelling tensions and fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie. It is an act of defiance against the rigidity of societal norms, a celebration of our individuality and uniqueness.

Laughter is a spiritual practice that can help us connect with our inner selves and with others. It fosters a sense of community and shared experience, strengthening the bonds of love and friendship. It is a powerful form of communication, a language that speaks directly to the heart.

Too often, I witness this pristine seriousness in an approach to wellness and kindness, one that can create an uncomfortable presence for those who are waking up to their own well-being. This seriousness sets a standard of external and internal judgments of how we should be, making it difficult to explore our own spirituality without fear of criticism.

Spirituality is not a somber journey of self-denial and austerity. It is a vibrant voyage of self-discovery and personal growth. It is about embracing life in all its colors and flavors, about rejoicing in our humanity, and about finding joy and fulfillment in the simplest of things.


As we continue forward in this blog, set aside your predisposition to seriousness and instead, focus on the joys of self-exploration, well-being, enlightenment, and awakening.

Let go of your preconceived notions of what constitutes a successful journey and instead, embrace the possibilities that come with self-acceptance and growth.

Instead of external and internal judgments of how you should be... practice kindness, curiosity, and understanding. Allow yourself to be curious, to explore, to make mistakes, and to laugh. Allow yourself to laugh freely, allowing the joy and peace to fill your heart and soul.

If we can't laugh at ourselves, we risk becoming our own judge and jury, perpetuating a seriousness that stifles our growth and well-being. Let us break free from the chains of self-imposed seriousness and embrace the transformative power of laughter.

By learning to laugh at our own imperfections, we open ourselves up to self-acceptance, compassion, and a deeper understanding of our humanity.

Let yourself boldly embark on this journey, where laughter becomes the guiding light that illuminates your path towards self-discovery and true well-being. Embrace the joy, the playfulness, and the lightness of being as we awaken to our own radiant essence.


The Whimsical Dance of Spirituality

When we turn our gaze towards the infamous Alice in Wonderland, a world of enchantment and discovery unfolds before our eyes. Within this whimsical realm, we are confronted with a myriad of roles and characters, each representing a different facet of our own being. These diverse personalities are not meant to be embraced as a whole, but rather experienced individually, as fleeting moments in the grand tapestry of our existence.

Just as Alice sets of on her extraordinary journey, she encounters a diverse group of characters, each representing different aspects of herself. The Mad Hatter, the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat, the wise and enigmatic Absolem Caterpillar, and the formidable Queen of Hearts similarly... all serve as mirrors to our own personalities.

The White Rabbit symbolizes urgency and the need for order, while the Queen of Hearts embodies power and authority. Within us, we may find the curious adventurer, the wise observer, the playful trickster, the urgent go-getter, and the commanding ruler. These personas are not to be shunned or suppressed, rather it is important to embrace them all. Each persona holds valuable lessons and insights that can contribute to our personal growth and self-discovery.


The curious adventurer within us, akin to Alice, represents our innate desire for exploration and the pursuit of new experiences. This aspect of ourselves encourages us to step out of our comfort zones, question the world around us, and seek knowledge and understanding. It is through this persona that we can cultivate a sense of wonder, creativity, and an open-minded approach to life.

The wise observer, embodied by the Absolem Caterpillar, symbolizes our ability to step back and observe situations from a detached perspective. This aspect teaches us the value of introspection, reflection, and self-awareness. It encourages us to take the time to understand ourselves and our motivations, allowing us to make more informed decisions and navigate through life with clarity.

The playful trickster, exemplified by the Cheshire Cat, represents our mischievous and spontaneous side. This aspect urges us to embrace our sense of humor, playfulness, and to not take life too seriously. It reminds us to find joy in the unexpected, to approach challenges with a light-hearted attitude, and to be adaptable in the face of uncertainty.

The urgent go-getter, symbolized by the White Rabbit, represents the part of us that is driven by deadlines, schedules, and a sense of urgency. This aspect can be both a source of motivation and stress. It pushes us to be productive, proactive, and efficient, but it can also lead to feelings of overwhelm and burnout if not balanced with self-care and mindfulness.

The commanding ruler, embodied by the Queen of Hearts, represents our desire for power, control, and authority. This aspect reminds us of our capacity to lead, make decisions, and assert ourselves when necessary. However, it also highlights the importance of tempering our assertiveness with empathy, fairness, and the consideration of others' perspectives.

By recognizing and embracing these various aspects within ourselves, we can better understand our own complexities and navigate the challenges and opportunities that life presents. Just as Alice encounters and learns from these characters in Wonderland, we too can draw insights and growth from exploring the different facets of our own personalities.


These moments of self-awareness can include of day-dream reflections, which take place during times of silence and solitude. Yet, these moments are not meant to be seen as an isolated experience, but rather a part of a larger journey.

At the same time, we must also acknowledge and accept the parts of ourselves that we may not particularly like. We must learn to confront our fears, our insecurities, and our judgments, and understand that these aspects of ourselves are not inherently bad. Instead, they are part of a larger unfolding of our humanity, and deserve to be embraced with equal amounts of kindness and compassion.


One of the most memorable characters encountered by Alice is the Absolem Blue Caterpillar, who embodies the personality of a wise sage and teacher. This wise and all-knowing creature serves as a reminder to us of the importance in reflection; to take time to pause and observe the world around us, and to contemplate the mysteries of life.

He reminds us to view our own roles and characters with a sense of detachment and humility, to be open to learning from them but never to become too attached. Absolem Caterpillar, teaches us to observe our feelings and experiences with a heightened awareness, gently probing our emotions and allowing wisdom to emerge.

With Absolem Caterpillar as our guide, we learn to see our own journey with clarity and understanding, no longer bound by preconceived notions of who we should be.

Although, Absolem imparts his teachings as we navigate our paths towards enlightenment and awakening — it is important to recognize Absolem's wisdom is not meant to be the definitive and sole source of our transformation.

The Caterpillar Absolem, with his serene presence and profound insights, invites us to delve into the depths of our own consciousness. His guidance encourages us to question, to explore, and to challenge our preconceived notions.

In the spirit of the Laughing Buddha, we learn to approach these roles with a light-heartedness and a sense of detachment. We understand they are not definitive representations of our true essence, but rather fleeting expressions of our multifaceted nature. We embrace the joy of exploration, allowing ourselves to fully experience each character, yet remaining aware of their impermanence.

Just as Alice navigates through Wonderland, we navigate through the labyrinth of our own psyche, discovering new aspects of ourselves along the way. We learn to accept and appreciate the ever-changing nature of our being, celebrating the diversity and richness within.


Just as Absolem Caterpillar transforms from a caterpillar to a butterfly, we too undergo a metamorphosis as we awaken to our true selves. Absolem's presence and wisdom remind us this process is dynamic and ever-evolving. We must learn to trust our own intuition, embracing the transformative power within ourselves.

Let us journey towards enlightenment, not as blind followers of a rigid doctrine, but as seekers who draw inspiration from Absolem's wisdom and blend it with our own experiences. In doing so, we honor the essence of Absolem Caterpillar as a guide on our path to self-discovery and awakening.

When we dance through Wonderland, embodying each character with grace and curiosity, knowing our true essence is beyond these transient roles, we find the profound wisdom of the Laughing Buddha. 

An infinite space inside where joy, simplicity and liberation direct us towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.


My Pathway Into:

Spiritual Evolution and Personal Fulfillment

While traversing on this extraordinary odyssey of life, I have discovered a remarkable approach not bound by the seriousness often associated with spiritual growth. Instead, I resonate with a vibrational frequency that is brimming with joy and vibrancy, one that defies the conventional norms of solemnity.

My approach mirrors a path that prioritizes simplicity and exuberance above all else. Though it may seem unconventional, particularly to my fellow spiritual seekers, it's through this unique lens I've come to embody a profound way of living, forging a lighter path towards personal and collective healing, and worldly evolution.

This deep enlightenment, is not a mere philosophy; it's an integral part of my being. It transcends the boundaries of drama and conformity, leaning me towards a path of inner peace and blissful harmony.

By fully immersing myself in the enchantment and ethereal nature of every fleeting moment, I have unearthed a profound resonance that unlocks authentic satisfaction.

My journey is unencumbered by the gravity of rigid principles, cultural quirks or societal molds, but rather flourishes in the simplicity and depth of elegance and profundity of embracing the inherent allure and buoyancy of each passing moment.


Navigating Our Emotional Landscape

In life's dance, I encounter moments that challenge my core. Whether it be the heart-wrenching decision to bid farewell to my beloved old dog, or a spirited disagreement with my partner, the waves of distress, sadness, and even anger can crash upon my shore. Yet, in these moments, I have learned to fully accept the spectrum of my human emotions without getting entangled in their narratives.

In my journey of self-awareness, I have learned the importance of holding space for my emotions and thoughts with love and compassion. I have developed the ability to recognize when I am on the verge of spiritual bypassing, understanding that acknowledging and taking responsibility for my feelings and inner-dialogue is crucial. By confronting any discordance head-on, I open myself up to genuine laughter and joy.

While some mornings may begin with a breakdown, I have learned to find resolution by lunchtime, thanks to the sense of responsibility I have cultivated. I embrace these emotional ups and downs as opportunities for self-reflection and personal growth, as I navigate the vast landscapes of my consciousness. With each exploration, I forge a deeper connection with my inner-self, enabling me to fully embrace the essence of laughter, life, and love.

Imagine being my partner, trying to navigate the rollercoaster of my emotions. I'm like a weather app — you never know if you're getting a sunny day or a storm?

Let's all raise a glass to my partner, who not only endures my forecast, but does it with the patience of a monk, all while navigating his own consciousness with awareness and growth. Now that's true love... or maybe he's just really into extreme sports...



I was not always like this —

... it was only until 15 years after my rude awakening to the illusion at 19 years of age, where the illusion of seriousness shattered and I truly began to embody this transformative perspective.

So it is:

... through the unbridled expression of joy and laughter, we nourish our souls and inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect that reverberates throughout the universe.


A New Path to Living Life to the Fullest

Delving into the depths of profound wisdom can have a transformative impact on our lives, altering the way we live and perceive the world. It allows us to gain meaningful insight into our existence, unlocking a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

By embracing the profundity of life's experiences, we cultivate a greater appreciation for the impermanence of emotions, enabling us to better navigate challenges and cope with our emotions. This journey of joyful exploration brings a wealth of knowledge and purpose, leading us to be more mindful and present in each moment.

In a world often overshadowed by sadness, anger, and suffering, the transformative power of joy and laughter becomes all the more crucial. These intangible forces serve as essential tools, enabling us to forge meaningful connections with a deeper resonance of inner-peace and understanding.

Through the practice of conscious joy, unburdened by the weight of expectation, we can tap into a deeper sense of contentment and belonging. This journey takes us beyond the confines of our ego-soul, allowing us to establish a harmonious relationship with the spiritual realm.

It is in this state of liberated joy, we discover the true essence of our being, transcending the limitations of the mundane. Moreover, joy and laughter have a meaningful impact not only on our personal lives but also on the collective consciousness.

These states of expression radiate as beacons of hope, illuminating the path towards a brighter future. As we embrace and embody these transformative qualities, we become catalysts for positive change, spreading light and healing wherever we go.

By celebrating the resilience of the human spirit and recognizing the inherent beauty of life, we unlock the door to a profound connection with the divine. In this sacred dance, we begin to comprehend our integral role in the cosmic tapestry, weaving our unique thread into the fabric of existence.


The truth is:

... spirituality can be a beautiful, joyful, and creative journey into healing, releasing, awakening, unplugging abd seeing truth.

To awaken is to connect with your inner-self and the world around you in a deeper, more meaningful way. By infusing your spiritual practices with a sense of playfulness and curiosity, you can awaken to new dimensions of awareness and unplug from the metaphorical matrix.

Embrace the lightheartedness of your spiritual exploration, allowing yourself to dance with the mysteries of life and discover the magic in the ordinary.


... spirituality doesn't have to be confined to rigid routines or solemn rituals. It can be a vibrant and dynamic expression of your unique essence.

Soar high to uncover the profound beauty of the present moment and awaken to the infinite possibilities, keeping your questions and ideas alive.

within a smile, we find grace, Maia ox!



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