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...Your Best Self is Inside You...

It is a State of Being.

Join a Vita Lotus Retreat and let us show you how to find it!  

Revolutionize Your Story

Thrive in Life ...not... Just Live It

We do indeed live in a wondrous and enchanting world, but for many of us the wonder and enchantment has faded or even, disappeared entirely. When this happens we lose our deeper connection to spirit and our sense of wholeness to life and the world. 

This can happen due to emotional and physical trauma, anxiety, depression, personal loss, a dysfunctional cultural environment, relationship changes, perpetual suffering or unrelenting stress. We also live in a world that is desensitising and changing at a breakneck pace.

As a result of any combination of the foregoing, we lose our  connection to the deeper aspects of our being; our spirit wanes and we feel fragmented and often times, can even feel lost.

In a state of wholeness we:

  • are confident in our life path.

  • have an enhanced ability to concentrate.

  • feel exuberant about life in general.

  • experience a deep and fulfilling gratitude. 

  • have more compassion and empathy.

  • feel a profound connection to  the universe.

  • feel a deeper connection to spirit. 

  • are no longer hobbled by tragedies of our personal history or conceptual hang-ups.

Find the relief to restore your sense of wholeness, reinvigorate  life and renew your vision of yourself and the world - returning home with a long-lasting, permanent shift. We are confident in our method and approach we offer and, we look forward to being the journey with you to Reclaim Your Life. 

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When we begin to become more conscious of our thoughts and feelings, looking at them honestly, with a kind-hearted interest and curiousity; we begin to notice how we armor ourselves against pain, creating a disconnection to ourselves, others and with the world. 

- Our Retreat Locations - 

We provide the setting, guidance and expertise. Nature provides the medicine and culture to enable you to experience the liberating power of awe and wonder, and most importantly the relief you seek.


Rather than anchor ourselves steadfast to one location, we feel providing varied atmospheric settings for our retreats is more in balance with who we are as spiritual guides.  We also feel hosting in varied locations offer opportunities to voyagers to experience the immense beauty and culture of our magnificant planet with the... support of experienced guides who know the regions and the terrians. 


As travellers, we have also found a heartfelt difference in personal life transformations dependable on locations. What you experience in the Riviera Maya, may be profoundly different than the architectual culture of Spain, as would the vinyards of California in comparison to the vineyards of Italy.  Similar to, a spirit quest in the southwest may offer a new source of enlightenment to add to the wisdom attained in snowy winters of the Canadian Rockies. 

Image by Gary Yost

Our Wellness Retreats offer participants the refreshment they need to revitalize with new energy; providing tools and practices you can take home with you to transform your life for the better. 

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These Retreats are for You If:

  • seeking a deeper connection w/either yourself, others & the world.


  • feeling disconnected from life.

  • feeling disconnected from your relationships and/or job.

  • struggling with a traumatic event. 

  • having a mid-life crisis. 

  • hindered by either anxiety, depression, addiction, eating disorders.

  • struggling with your mortality. 

  • wanting to improve your relationship w/your partner.


...or maybe you are...​

  • desiring a more profound spiritual understanding or connection.

  • wanting to break-free from patterns & beliefs of conditioning.

  • wanting to esclate your spiritual awareness. 

  • wanting to have a spirit quest (entheogen retreats only)


...or maybe you are...​

  • wanting to have an awesome wellness adventure to rejuvenate. 

  • feeling a reprieve is needed from the hustle of your life. 

  • wanting to revitalize life exploring culture and nature landscapes.​​

These Retreats Are NOT For You If:

  • ​not willing to accept guidance & assistance from a facilator or guide.

  • you cannot be transparent about your motive for attending. 

  • not forthright in sharing with a group.

  • not willing to do the personal inner-work to heal and evolve.

If your mind is expansive and unrestricted, you will find yourself in a more accomodating world, a place that is endlessly interesting and alive. 

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Plant Medicine Retreats

When empathogens are sought out for their therapeutic or self-improvement effects, we are seeking liberation from our habituated ways of thinking and feeling that have hindered our ability to heal and evolve.


It is not only the plant or empathogen that opens up an individual to a wider range of experiences, but also the direction, content and overall quality of the experiences to be focused and enhanced with guidance. 


The presence of knowledgeable guides greatly facilitates the probability of reaching expanded levels of consciousness, while also 'recalling and integrating' the experiences afterwards. 


When you arrive at a scenic, serene beachfront, red-rock desert or mountain range, you will enter the very heart and core of life’s true essence and meaning - sounds, aromas and the energy of your surroundings ignite healing to begin. 

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  • Vita Lotus Retreats
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  • Vita Lotus Spotify

Wellness Retreats

When Wellness Retreats are sought out, we are seeking a healthy refuge from the fast-paced lifestyles so prevalent in contemporary society - a safe space to discover and reconnect with ourselves, recharge our vitality, embrace healthier habits and improve our spiritual wellbeing.  


 A Holistic Wellness Retreat, is a vacation with a  conscious approach to fun. When you arrive at a retreat designed specifically for wellbeing, to nourish and revitalize bodies, psyches and souls... it is easy to attain or regain high levels of personal wellness and mindful awareness. 


Seeking personal renewal in the peaceful rhythms and solace of nature has been a practice since the early days of civilisation. Romans escaped to the hot-springs to be nurtured by the waters - this practice of wellness has endured and now it is your moment to maintain it's status through our ages.


The best part of a Vita Lotus Retreat is it gives you the opportunity to reflect on the the things in life that are important to you. 

- Travel to Explore Exciting Destinations -

Retreats hosted in small groups to optimize your experience. 

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